Events / What is a Research Statement?

What is a Research Statement?

September 14, 2023
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Danforth University Center, Room 276, 6475 Forsyth Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63105

It’s never too soon to start preparing for a faculty job search. The Faculty Job Search Series is an 8-week program aimed to demystify the application materials required in the process. In this series, participants will get familiar with the landscape of higher education in the U.S., learn how to craft and organize the job application materials, and optionally draft their own materials with the support of an accountability group.

This is workshop 5 of 8. Participation in entire workshop series is not required.

Dr. Hussein Sibai (Engineering), Dr. Jessie Sun (Psychological & Brain Sciences), Dr. Robert Wexler (Chemistry), Dr. Donsub Rim (Mathematics), Dr. Alessandro Poletto (East Asian Languages & Cultures), & Dr. B. Duygu Ozpolat (Biology).