Postdoctoral Appointments

University-wide, postdoctoral trainees are appointed in the titles of Postdoctoral Research Scholar (non-employee status, paid by stipend) or Postdoctoral Research Associate (employee status, paid by salary). Training is limited to 5 years, including time spent in either title or at other institutions, and excluding clinical training.

Postdoctoral Compensation

Washington University postdoc minimum compensation (whether salary or stipend) is based on the NIH NRSA Postdoctoral Year 1 stipend amount. Accordingly, Washington University postdoc minimum compensation is $61,428 per year (defined as a 12-month period) as of July 1, 2024, for the fiscal year 2025.

Importantly, this establishes only the required minimum salary or stipend. Individual compensation should be discussed with the appointing faculty member.

Postdoctoral Benefits

Washington University offers eligible postdoctoral appointees a comprehensive benefits package:

Postdoc Annual Review

Faculty supervisors and their postdoctoral appointees are expected to establish a mentor-mentee relationship and regularly meet to discuss research progress and professional development. Annual reviews should lead to compensation increases appropriate to the postdoc’s experience and performance.

Download the OPA Postdoc Annual Review Template here