Events / NPAW Social Networking: Finding your Balance

NPAW Social Networking: Finding your Balance

September 23, 2022
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Virtual Zoom Meeting

The life of a postdoctoral scholar is always multi-dimensional: we constantly juggle between work and life, research and career, aspirations and transitions.

To raise awareness on how to maintain our well-being as postdocs at this pivotal time, the 2022 NPAW task force presents you with THIS virtual networking event to talk about “Finding Your Balance” and expand our connections.

During this event, you will find five wellness topics: (1) physical, (2) financial, (3) career, (4) mental/emotional, and (5) community/interpersonal, hosted on Zoom and facilitated by ambassadors passionate about each realm. We encourage you to join the conversation, listen, and share your stories while the ambassadors talk about their experiences.

On the registration form, please select ONE of the five well-being topics you are most interested in discussing. You are more than welcome to switch between topics (break-out rooms) during the session as well! More event information will be emailed to you no later than the week of September 19th, and the information of our wellness ambassadors can be found at

This event is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time (ET). Please be sure to adjust the event to match your time zone.

Register Here